BlogStartup FundingHow to Get Startup Funding? A Comprehensive Guide

How to Get Startup Funding? A Comprehensive Guide





Securing funding is a critical step for startups looking to bring their innovative ideas to life, scale their operations, and achieve long-term success. However, navigating the funding landscape can be challenging, especially for early-stage entrepreneurs. In this article, we will explore effective strategies and steps to help you obtain startup funding, from identifying funding sources to preparing a compelling pitch and building investor relationships.

Funding can be needed at any phase of a startup like in the beginning, before executing anything or in the middle after when you have proven your idea. But, throughout this article, I will assume that you are an early stage startup. Well, that is the very reason why you are asking this question of how to get funding for your startup! 😉

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Understand Your Funding Needs

Before seeking funding, it’s essential to assess your startup’s financial requirements. Determine the amount of capital needed to support your business plan, including product development, marketing, operational expenses, and personnel costs. By having a clear understanding of your funding needs, you can better target appropriate funding sources and articulate your financial goals to potential investors.

Identify Startup Funding Sources

Explore various funding sources that align with your startup’s stage, funding stage, industry, and growth objectives. These can include:


Investors are smart people, they won’t invest your business if you are not ready to invest in your venture. Everybody is interested in ROI of their money. So, if you invest in your business first then it would be assured them that your idea would work.

Bootstrapping is also referred to as pre-seed funding. Utilize personal savings, credit cards, or funds from friends and family (F&F) to launch your startup and cover initial expenses.

Advance negotiation from customers

Your prospective customers sometimes will be willing to give you an advance on royalty payments for your idea and concept if they see value in your idea. This needs an agreement – Letter of Intent (LOI) is one such instrument. Sometimes though customer will sign the LOI but will need you to deliver the product/service which again would require capital. Kind of a chicken and egg issue, so this option alone may not suffice your funding needs.

Angel Investors

Seek funding from high-net-worth individuals who are interested in early-stage investments. Research and network within your industry to identify potential angel investors who may resonate with your vision.

Angel investor groups

You understand that you have to begin searching for your startup funding at this moment. And most metro-city have groups which are interested in supporting startups. If your startup network is not populated with the wealthy/rich businessman, you may want to consider reaching out on your own.

Angel investors mostly invest during the seed funding round of your early stage startup journey. This very well could be your first external funding round.

Venture Capitalists (VCs)

Venture capital firms invest in high-growth startups with the potential for substantial returns. Research VC firms that focus on your industry and stage of growth and prepare a targeted pitch to attract their attention.

Startup Accelerators & Business Incubators

Securing funding for early stage startups is often challenging. Gtting it directly from angel investors and VC firms without having a success track record can be disappointing.

Startup accelerators and incubators serve as vital catalysts in the journey of early-stage companies, offering a myriad of resources and support to help them grow and thrive. Among their many benefits, one of the most significant is their role in facilitating access to funding—a critical lifeline for startups looking to scale their operations and bring their visions to life.

Access to Networks: One of the most valuable aspects of participating in a startup accelerator or incubator is the opportunity to tap into an extensive network of mentors, advisors, investors, and fellow entrepreneurs. These connections can prove invaluable when it comes to securing funding, as they provide startups with access to potential investors who are actively seeking investment opportunities in the startup ecosystem.

Mentorship and Guidance: Accelerators and incubators often pair startups with experienced mentors who can offer guidance, feedback, and strategic advice on fundraising. These mentors can provide valuable insights into the fundraising process, help startups refine their pitch decks and investor presentations, and make introductions to potential investors within their networks.

Investor Demo Days: Many accelerator and incubator programs culminate in investor demo days or pitch events, where participating startups have the opportunity to showcase their businesses to a room full of potential investors. These events provide startups with a platform to pitch their ideas, demonstrate their traction, and generate interest from investors who may be interested in providing funding.

Validation and Credibility: Participating in a reputable accelerator or incubator program can also lend credibility to a startup’s fundraising efforts. Investors are often more inclined to invest in startups that have been vetted and selected by respected programs, as it serves as a form of validation of the startup’s potential and viability.

Access to Follow-On Funding: Beyond providing initial seed capital, accelerators and incubators can also help startups access follow-on funding from venture capital firms, angel investors, and other sources. The connections and relationships forged during the program can open doors to additional funding opportunities as startups continue to grow and scale their businesses.

Government Grants and Programs

Investigate local or national government grants, incentives, and programs designed to support startups in specific industries. These can provide non-dilutive funding and valuable resources.

Government funds the grant for startup which is intended to support new technology and important causes such as education, medicine and social requirements. This is really a good place to end up your search for funding. For example, Indian Government has started the project called “Startup India”, An award of financial assistance in the form of money by the federal government to an eligible grantee without an expectation that the funds will be paid back. The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Advanced Technology Program offers grants to co-fund “high-risk, high-payoff projects” that will benefit American industry.


Leverage online platforms to engage a broad community of backers who are passionate about supporting innovative projects. Develop a compelling campaign and rewards structure to attract crowdfunding support. You can raise money on crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter, GoFunder, Indiegogo etc. based on a rewards, donation or equity campaign.

Microfinance providers or NBFCs

Sometimes it happens that you are not qualified for bank loans because of some legal criteria. So, if you don’t have an access to banking loan service then, you have the options of Microfinance providers or NBFCs (Non-Banking Financial Corporations). The startup whose requirements are limited, and does not match with the legal definition of the bank or whose credit ratings are not favored by a bank, can go for these options. They lend the money at an interest, so note that these are debts and work as loans which you must pay back.

Prepare a Compelling Pitch

Crafting a persuasive pitch is essential to captivate potential investors. Your pitch should clearly communicate your startup’s value proposition, market potential, competitive advantage, and financial projections. Develop a concise and compelling story that highlights your unique selling points, addresses market needs, and showcases your team’s expertise. Tailor your pitch to resonate with each specific investor or funding source.

Build Investor Relationships

Building strong relationships with investors is crucial for securing funding. Attend industry events, conferences, and networking sessions to connect with potential investors. Leverage your existing network and seek introductions to investors who may be interested in your industry. Be proactive in reaching out, follow up promptly, and maintain open and transparent communication throughout the funding process.

Prepare a Comprehensive Business Plan

A well-prepared business plan demonstrates your startup’s potential for success and instills confidence in potential investors. Include an executive summary, market analysis, competitive landscape, financial projections, and a clear funding request. Tailor your plan to address the specific needs and interests of different funding sources.

Be Prepared for Due Diligence

When investors express interest, they will conduct due diligence to assess the viability of your startup. Be prepared to provide financial statements, business documentation, legal agreements, intellectual property information, and any other relevant information. Thoroughly understand your business metrics and be ready to address questions and concerns.

TL;DR – How to get startup funding?

If you are a beginner then bootstrapping is the ‘obvious’ option for you. Or you can go for “Advance negotiation from customers” option, but for that, you need to convince your prospective customer to pay you prior to delivery, as remember you may not still have any product.

Psst! StartupGuru Incubator teaches you how exactly to do this, if you are interested, check out how the incubation program works here.

Grant from the government is also a good option, but it may not be easily available in most countries and is often limited in terms of capital and could be bureaucratic.

If government loan is not available for you because of some legal criteria and if you have prototype or beta product ready, then you can look for angel investors and then club that with customer advance payments. If you have alpha or beta product ready then advance negotiation from the customers will also be easy for you.

Securing startup funding is an exciting and challenging endeavor. By understanding your funding needs, identifying appropriate sources, crafting a compelling pitch, building investor relationships, and preparing a comprehensive business plan, you can enhance your chances of obtaining the funding necessary to fuel your startup’s growth. Remember, perseverance and resilience are key attributes in the funding journey. Stay focused, adapt your strategy when needed, and showcase your passion for your startup to attract the right investors who believe in your vision.


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